There are a number of different Usui Reiki symbols, and each has its own unique meaning and purpose. Some of the most common Usui Reiki symbols include:
- Cho Ku Rei: The power symbol. It’s used to increase the power of Reiki, but it also provides protection, and grounding, and has the ability to clear energy blockages.
- Sei Hei Ki: The mental/emotional symbol. It’s used to heal emotional and mental problems like anxiety, depression, and addiction.
- Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: The distance symbol. It’s used to send Reiki energy to someone who’s not physically present or to connect with past or future events.
- Dai Ko Myo: The master symbol. It’s used to activate the highest level of Reiki energy and is integral for attunements and connecting with the spiritual realm.
Reiki symbols can be used together or separately to achieve different healing goals. Based on the healing goals, One can choose the Crystals.
- Chakra Healing: Each crystal corresponds to a specific chakra, making this set an excellent tool for chakra healing and balancing. The crystals can help remove blockages and promote the free flow of energy.
- Meditation Aid: These oval-shaped crystals are often used during meditation to deepen your practice, enhance focus, and strengthen your spiritual connection, thanks to their distinct vibrational properties.